Do you have a question? This page will have the answer!
Login to your account then click on "order" tab.
Always use Chrome to ensure a good customer experience.
If you have any questions, a Chat is available from 9.30am to 6.30pm on the Platform.
You can enter extended Lambert 2's directly on your order.
You can also convert them on twicc.fr which we recommend.
You can contact us by Chat or send an email to operations at this address: operations@ivadrones.com
Click on the "Site" tab in the left-hand menu, then click on the "Add site" button, fill in your site details.
Validate, you can now order directly from the site profile.
For authorization reasons, our operations department keeps control of order modifications, you can contact them by Chat or by email at this address: operations@ivadrones.com
Until the evening of the previous day.
You may be asked to pay a fee of up to €50 for authorisation requests.
Please send an email to operations at: operations@ivadrones.com
You can contact us by Chat or by email at this address: sales@ivadrones.com
For security reasons and in order to properly onboard your future collaborator on the Platform, the IVADRONES team will take care of creating your new users within the day.
Send us your request, we will take care of the rest.
If the feature is not yet visible on your accesses, please contact our service at this address: sales@ivadrones.com.
If you have this feature, you will find it on your site profile.
Remember to add the tab in your excel that will allow our robot to automatically read your candidate file to create a site.
If the feature is not yet visible on your accesses, please contact our service at this address: sales@ivadrones.com.
If you have this feature, you will find it on your site profiles.
Remember to add the tab in your excel that will allow our robot to automatically read your radio matrix in order to automatically trigger a mission with the targets.
When ordering, choose the contributor with whom you wish to share the mission profile that will be generated. If you do not have this feature, ask us by sending an email to this address: sales@ivadrones.com
You can contact us by Chat or by email at this address: sales@ivadrones.com
You can contact us by Chat or by email at this address: sales@ivadrones.com
You can contact us by Chat or by email at this address: sales@ivadrones.com
You can contact us by Chat or by email at this address: sales@ivadrones.com
Contact us by Chat or by email at this address: support@ivadrones.com
Log in to your account.
Go directly to the mission profile you want to upload your rushes to, either directly from the dashboard or by typing the mission ID in the search bar.
Once on the mission profile, click on the "Rushes" tab. You will need to drag only the sub-folders into the folders already present.
Then click on ""Deliver"" to deliver your mission.
If necessary, you can leave a comment to notify the post-processing team of any changes during the mission. Connectez-vous à votre compte.
You can find the methodologies on your assignment profiles or directly on the IVADRONES Community Facebook group.
If your assignment is rejected, you will receive an email indicating the reason.
However, if you need further clarification, you can contact the post-processing team at post-traitement@ivadrones.com.
The mission will have to be done again as soon as possible.
First of all, go to the relevant mission profile to read the target information.
You can download the KMZ by clicking on "download KMZ" under the map.
You can use Cartoradio to identify intermediate sites. The KMZ will allow you to take visual reference points.
If you have any questions on site, our post-processing team is available.
Contact the operations department at this address: operations@ivadrones.com
Contact the operations department at this address: operations@ivadrones.com
Quickly reach out to operations for more information at operations@ivadrones.com or call us at +33 7 55 62 16 19 or +33 7 55 62 30 57.
If you have already accepted the assignment, cancel it and then call operations on +33 7 55 62 16 19 or +33 7 55 62 30 57.
If you have already made an appointment, please report it to your on-site contact.
If the upload of the rushes does not work on your side, you can, as an exception, send us a WeTransfer to this address: post-traitement@ivadrones.com
Contact the post-processing department by Chat or at this address: post-traitement@ivadrones.com
Contact us by Chat or by email at this address: support@ivadrones.com